
10 Things Happy Couples Do Before Bed

Spend quality time with your partner before bed. It doesn’t matter if it’s an hour or just a few minutes. Enjoy each other’s company, talk, and show love. Check out our psychologist-approved tips for a bonus at the end.

1. Switch your phones to silent mode, and put them away.

Cut social media by 9 p.m. for better bonding. Oxytocin, the intimacy hormone, suffers from dependency. Follow psychotherapist Carol Carey’s advice for healthier connections.

2. Forget about work.

Disconnect from work in bed. Skip emails for quality time. Pillow talk boosts emotional connection, eases stress, and fosters relaxation. Avoid work or financial talks before sleep.

3. Go to bed at the same time as your partner.

Sync bedtime for relationship warmth. Psychologist Curt Smith suggests happy couples brush teeth together and share bedtime for intimacy.

4. Follow a routine.

Stick to a bedtime routine for better sleep. A shared routine with your partner fosters intimacy and trust in your relationship.

5. Have a heart-to-heart talk.

Show empathy, not solutions. Before sleep, share positive feelings with sincerity. Leave daily troubles outside the bedroom, focus on love, and end the day positively.

6. Don’t argue or get into heated conversations.

Avoid bedtime arguments. Curt Smith advises against heated disputes in bed—they don’t solve problems, disrupt sleep, and lead to a gloomy next day.

7. Keep your bedroom child-free.

Reserve your bedroom for intimacy. Psychologist Michael Viner-Davis recommends allowing children in bed only during nightmares. Keep the space private for the two of you.

8. Don’t share a bed with your pets.

Sleeping with pets disrupts sleep. University of Kansas research shows 63% suffer. Pets disturb sleep and violate the ‘rule of 2’ in the bedroom.

9. Give each other a massage.

Nightly massage enhances sleep quality and intimacy, says National Foundation of Sleep specialists.

10. Don’t forget about hugs and kisses.

End the day with a kiss and cuddle. Psychologists say it relaxes, evokes positivity, and signifies a healthy relationship if you hug while falling asleep.

Written by Emily

Emily is a skilled writer, weaving compelling stories that captivate readers. Her unique voice and dedication to storytelling set her apart in the literary landscape.

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